If you do have a big, powerful website that gets lots of visitors and has a tendency to hog resources, then you might want to have a web server all to yourself. Some companies also prefer the extra security of not having to share the server with anyone else who could do something accidentally or on purpose to crash it. Renting the use of an entire server is known as dedicated hosting. The web hosting company still owns the machine and takes responsibility for maintaining the hardware and the web hosting software, but you have greater control over the configuration and use of the server.
If you are looking for a web hosting plan and you are considering getting a Linux-based plan or a Windows-based plan, then there are a couple of things that you need to look at.
If opting for a windows-based hosting we must consider the following features:
1. ASP Support
The obvious reason for opting a windows plan is so that you are going to use languages which are Microsoft-specific.
2. .NET Support
ASP.net is the next generation of the Microsoft's Active Server Page or ASP, which is a feature of the Internet Information Server or IIS. A lot of web hosts provide this feature for free while there are some who charge an additional fee.
CDONTS or Collaboration Data Objects for Windows NT Server is a Messaging Component which comes with Windows NT/2000. A hosting plan which is Windows-based without this feature is incomplete.
4. Databases
All windows plans support Microsoft Access 2000 Database. This would do if you are a beginner. However, for the more advanced, MSSQL is a necessity.
5. Database Connection
Make sure that the host has an option in the control panel that allows you to manage and create DSNs.
6. ASP Components
Aside from the default features, there are various third-party softwares, so check the list of the features that are provided by the host.
7. PHP and ColdFusion
ColdFusion is a language web development tool which uses server-side scripting. This is an advanced option and is not provided by all web hosting providers.
8. Control Panel
This would be your website's nucleus. In the CP or Control Panel, you would be able to do anything. From the moment that you would be signing up with a hosting plan, you have to be provided with a CP so that you would be able to easily manage your website.
9. POP3 email IDs and Aliases
An example of a POP3 ID would be name@domain.com. You should be given an ample number of POP3 email IDs - this would depend on the size of your package.
10. FTP Accounts
This would be what you could use to be able to upload all of your files, as well as delete and update them.
11. Backup
Majority of the web hosts use automated backups. However, users usually do not care a great deal about this when they choose their hosting plan. This would be a feature that is just as essential as the other features mentioned here.
12. Web Statistics
The analysis of the visitors of your website plays a big role in your website's success. With a Statistics Application which runs on the backend of the server, you would be able to view this report of visitor statistics.
13. Bandwidth
Make sure that you would be selecting the hosting plan which would be able to provide sufficient bandwidth.
14. Webmail and SMTP
Check if your host would be providing you with webmail so that you would be able to check your email messages using an interface which is web-based.
15. IP
If you have a website which would be requiring SSL Support in the future, then you need to get a dedicated IP.
To read more about webhosting click here
If you are looking for a web hosting plan and you are considering getting a Linux-based plan or a Windows-based plan, then there are a couple of things that you need to look at.
If opting for a windows-based hosting we must consider the following features:
1. ASP Support
The obvious reason for opting a windows plan is so that you are going to use languages which are Microsoft-specific.
2. .NET Support
ASP.net is the next generation of the Microsoft's Active Server Page or ASP, which is a feature of the Internet Information Server or IIS. A lot of web hosts provide this feature for free while there are some who charge an additional fee.
CDONTS or Collaboration Data Objects for Windows NT Server is a Messaging Component which comes with Windows NT/2000. A hosting plan which is Windows-based without this feature is incomplete.
4. Databases
All windows plans support Microsoft Access 2000 Database. This would do if you are a beginner. However, for the more advanced, MSSQL is a necessity.
5. Database Connection
Make sure that the host has an option in the control panel that allows you to manage and create DSNs.
6. ASP Components
Aside from the default features, there are various third-party softwares, so check the list of the features that are provided by the host.
7. PHP and ColdFusion
ColdFusion is a language web development tool which uses server-side scripting. This is an advanced option and is not provided by all web hosting providers.
8. Control Panel
This would be your website's nucleus. In the CP or Control Panel, you would be able to do anything. From the moment that you would be signing up with a hosting plan, you have to be provided with a CP so that you would be able to easily manage your website.
9. POP3 email IDs and Aliases
An example of a POP3 ID would be name@domain.com. You should be given an ample number of POP3 email IDs - this would depend on the size of your package.
10. FTP Accounts
This would be what you could use to be able to upload all of your files, as well as delete and update them.
11. Backup
Majority of the web hosts use automated backups. However, users usually do not care a great deal about this when they choose their hosting plan. This would be a feature that is just as essential as the other features mentioned here.
12. Web Statistics
The analysis of the visitors of your website plays a big role in your website's success. With a Statistics Application which runs on the backend of the server, you would be able to view this report of visitor statistics.
13. Bandwidth
Make sure that you would be selecting the hosting plan which would be able to provide sufficient bandwidth.
14. Webmail and SMTP
Check if your host would be providing you with webmail so that you would be able to check your email messages using an interface which is web-based.
15. IP
If you have a website which would be requiring SSL Support in the future, then you need to get a dedicated IP.
To read more about webhosting click here
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